Friday, July 30, 2010

Print Media to Online

Whatever happened to everyone owning a newspaper? Those days are long gone! Newspaper print have gone online. Newspapers like "The Wall Street Journal" and "The New York Time" are both in print and online. Subscribers join the online version rather than print. Because technology has enhanced, readers rather get their news online. Readers think that this is a faster way to get their news. However, did you know that the print version shares more news than the online version? Yes, there is more paper space to fit more news. Also, the print version allows you to play games such as Soduko, crosswords, and find the missing piece.

Print version is useful for those who travel on subways, trains, or airplanes. Usually there is no service to get online. While readers go to work or travel they get informed of their daily news. Also, readers in smaller cities tend to read print versions rather than online. This also has to do with the fact that there might not be as much technology as big cities.

I think that people should consider getting their news from both print and online. There might be important news that appear on the print version that is not on the online version. I believe that everyone should educated themselves with daily news around the world regardless of what the medium is.

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